General Objectives

The Department of Teacher Education is committed to develop highly motivated teachers clothed with ingenuity and an aptitude fit to motivate the youth to soar to progress.

Specific Objectives

In accordance with the National Competency Based Teacher Standard (NCBTS), the College of Teacher Education of Opol Community College aims for the graduates of Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED) and Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) to:

  • possess a high level of literacy
  • maintain basic communication skills, numeracy and critical thinking needed for higher learning
  • have a comprehensive knowledge of the subject in their field
  • have the aptitude of teaching
  • uphold the integrity of the teaching profession observing at all times ethical standards
  • facilitate diverse learning by encouraging differing perspectives
  • innovate alternative teaching methods using a systemic approach and evaluate its effectiveness in student learning
  • keep abreast of the new and innovative techniques that can be used in education and inclined to continue learning

Academic Programs

  •  Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED)
  • Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED)